Melbourne cleaners offer quality vacate cleaning services for moving in and moving out residents of both commercial and domestic properties.

Do not make the mistake of thinking your bond is only to cover breakages and damages. It also covers the condition you leave the property in in terms of cleanliness. You can easily lose a hefty chunk, if not all, of your bond by not cleaning the home properly before you leave. If you don’t want to kiss your bond goodbye you need to call in the professionals -Melbourne Cleaners.

Our experience tells us exactly what agents look for when they inspect properties at the end of a lease. We will blitz the property from top to bottom ensuring not a speck of dust or smear will be found. Since 2015, we have been making sure that tenants throughout Melbourne Metro area have been recouping their full bond, and have built ourselves an enviable reputation.


Landlords are getting stricter than ever when it comes to returning bond money,

As a result, Melbourne Cleaners pride ourselves on offering the best standard of end of lease cleaning in Melbourne Metro region. Knowing you have best vacate cleaners in Melbourne on the job will also greatly reduce stress levels which shoot up whenever you move house.

If you are not planning to move but just looking for a reliable and affordable company to perform regular house cleaning, then talk to us to arrange a convenient time to book your job or discuss our prices and scheduling.

 Why Choose Melbourne Cleaners for your end of lease cleaning:
  • Over 8 Years Cleaning Experience
  • Experienced and Professional Team
  • Careful Attention To Detail
  • We Supply All Products and Equipment
  • Bond Back 100% Guarantee


Our Services include:
  • Carpets Cleaned
  • Kitchen and Oven Cleaned
  • Window Cleaning
  • Bathrooms and Toilets Cleaned
  • Walls Cleaned
  • Complete Real Estate Checklist Covered

With appointments to suit you and our reputation for both reliability and affordability, you can’t afford not to give us a call.  Losing your bond can leave you in limbo financially – You need vacate cleaning professionals on the job to guarantee your bond back.


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